Welcome to KentDuctwork, Manufacturers of Conventional and High Performance Fire Rated Ductwork
At Kent Ductwork, alongside conventional ductwork, we manufacture ‘Flameshield Fireduct’ the
market leading non-coated, fire rated ductwork. Importantly we are the only UK manufacturer
licensed to supply Flameshield Fireduct for third party installation.
Flameshield Fireduct is one of the leading non-coated fire rated ductwork to achieve full LPCB
certification for the BS and the new EN 1366 Parts 1 & 8 and EN 13501-3 A standards. Specifiers,
inspectors and installers can trust Flameshield Fireduct to deliver standards compliant solutions
for essential ventilation and smoke extraction systems every time.
Talk to us about your ductwork project. Our expert design and production team can specify,
plan and build to your exact requirements, and by utilising our state-of-the-art manufacturing
facilities we can ensure you get what you need rapidly.